Here I am walking in the rain with a red hooded raincoat I borrowed from my friend. It feels funny walking in the dark on this familiar track, with the rain pouring away. My first thought is - I feel like Little Red Riding Hood! Incidentally it is one of the first fairy tales I can remember. And I giggle to myself as I wonder who or where the wolf is! But then as I reflect over it I decide how synonymous it is to my own situation – here I am back in the city away from the safe haven that I was in for the past 2 years.
No longer am I surrounded by the beautiful Sahyadri mountains, the open fields, the river and streams and the simplicity of the village life. For almost 2 years now, I had been on my own living in such serene surroundings on the huge campus of 75 acres. It was a life of basic needs which suited my minimal budget very well. Eating sattvik food with no onion and garlic (I was living in an ashram environment) with sometimes only 3 others for company besides the 5 cooks, in the huge common dining facility which can normally house 750 persons at one time. Got used to doing my own laundry – in fact it became my stress buster. No TV - though I was thankful to have the computer and internet facility that evolved from dial-up (40kbps) to the 512kbps Idea internet data card and eventually to broadband thanks to BSNL!! Also, thanks to MSEB (Maharashtra State Electricity Board Or rather Monday to Saturday Electricity Band as we called it) we had frequent power-cuts after 9pm leaving one no other option other than early to bed :). Sitting in the shared taxi with 14 others, when ideally there should be a max of 10 persons including the driver, became a better option than waiting for the State Transport bus. But it was all fun while it lasted and as is the rule nothing is permanent.
So, here I am back in my home town, walking in the rain on familiar yet alien roads, noticing the increase in the number of shops and cars, wondering what’s in store for me and strangely feeling insecure the way little Red Riding Hood did in the forest and of the wolf. But then if anything the past 2 years have prepared me for all shocks and surprises and am sure the Hunter will soon come to the rescue of this Red Riding Hood the way He did in the past 2 years! :)